Saturday, December 22, 2007

Snacks before necessities

Sometimes I forget that I am inherently different from most regular people.

I went to the grocery store the other day, because I had an intense desire for chocolate milk. I decide to pick up chips and dip for my roommate, who was to arrive home after having worked almost constantly for several days straight. I decide to pick up laundry detergent in spite of having a fairly full container at home, figuring I am going to run out eventually.

At the cash, I make small talk with the cashier.

"Let me guess, you came in to pick up laundry detergent, and then you got the munchies?"

I think, if only I were that normal. But I decide it's not worth attempting to explain the intricacies of my personality.

"Yep, you got me. I have to say though, I really did want chocolate milk."

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