Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My Pet Robot

So I'm back at home today. With a few hours of free time, I figured I'd get some vacuuming done. If you have read my past posts, you know that means pushing a button and then laughing at the cat-vacuum cleaner dynamics in full swing, as I have an iRobot vacuum cleaner, basically the coolest invention ever.

Within about ten seconds, I get the "I'm in trouble" bell. I push the button to see what the damn thing needs. Please clean Roomba's brushes, it says. It actually says that out loud.

Fuck that, I say, and push the button to continue. As I walk back into my room, the robot goes straight into the kitchen and hits the cat's water dish as hard as it can, spilling water all over the floor and itself. It then proceeds to stop, and turn its trouble alert on for a second time. Please clean Roomba's brushes.

As I clean its brushes this time around, I try to recover from the fact that my freaking Robot just actively misbehaved when it didn't get what it wanted. Finally, it was on its way, and within another 5 minutes it managed to open the not-fully-closed bathroom door, and shut the door behind itself. I'm not one for internet lingo, but seriously.... WTF?

I released it and sent it on its way once again, after which it was content chasing the cat around the apartment. Oh, and my floors are now clean.

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