Thursday, April 10, 2008

The indestructible phone

A friend of mine lost his phone about a month ago. No big deal, I mean, it was an expensive mistake, but he tends to lose them pretty frequently so it wasn't particularly shocking. We went back and looked for it, but we knew there was about a 95% chance he had dropped it on the side of the road during a snow storm so we figured we would probably never see it again with all the plows out pushing stuff around and such.

Anyway, the other night I got a text message from someone saying she thought she had found a phone belonging to someone by his name. As I had called it countless times after we lost it and she had my number, I figured it had to be the right phone, but I was totally blown away.

Last night I went to pick it up and man, you would not believe the state of this phone. It looked like it had been in my pocket for the last month, not sitting in a snow bank - it was in mint condition. It was in better condition than it would have been had we kept it!

I thought, it had to have been indoors all this time - but sure enough, her son found it at the bus stop right where we lost it. It must have been in the snow bank. For a month. She said he had to peel it out of its case, which was completely destroyed, but the frigging phone was in mint condition! She was even able to turn it on to get his name and my number. I know my phone, when it gets really cold, will turn off even though it has battery power left and presumably that is what happened, but still. Not even water damage. Half the time his phones get water damage when they haven't been in the water!

We thanked her profusely and were once again reminded that there are, in fact, good people in this world. But a month under probably a hundred centimetres of snow. Someone at Motorola is doing something right.

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