Friday, April 18, 2008

Lisa the track star

So you may or may not know that I have decided to take up running - more likely the latter, since I have told basically no one, but there is always the chance you have seen me running spastically around Ottawa telling myself that I look sexy (I'm pretty sure I don't).

Anyway, since I've been known to jump head first into ideas and then abandon them I try not to invest too much in them and considering the reason I took up running was because a friend of mine is going to run a marathon and I was running with her "to help her self esteem," I decided I didn't want to buy any "real running clothes".

Now, that being said, you have to consider the fact that since I am not athletic at all, I don't own anything that could even remotely pass as running clothes. So, I resorted to the next best thing. Pajamas.

At first, it wasn't too bad. It was cold, I wore a track sweater I like to wear over my shirt and I was wearing brown stretch pants, so I looked moderately socially acceptable. Yesterday, being 22 degrees, was a different story.

Initially, I had decided I would wear the same thing as the first time, but we quickly realized that would not be an option - it was freaking hot. I only had one pair of shorts. They were red, with either kittens or presents on them - it was hard to tell. But, I concluded, if I wear my pink American Eagle shirt, it looks almost like I have a track outfit like my running partner, who was wearing basically the same thing but in black and blue with the name of her running store on them. This was good enough for me.

Her brother came out to say goodbye to us, and commented, "I've never seen a running outfit like that before!" "They are my pajamas!" I responded. He took this to mean that I intended to change before leaving. I did not.

"Oh, you're actually wearing that to run?" He said, as we walked out the door. Whatever. Too late to change my mind now!

Incidentally, I didn't really get any reactions over it. Or comments, at least. Sure, we got honked at a couple of times, and a fireman fully turned around to check us out as his truck drove by, but I'm pretty sure that would have happened even if I had been wearing regular shorts. Girls showing skin, come on!

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