Sunday, January 13, 2008

How to pick up girls

Tonight pretty much made my life.

I think I will get into the finer details at a later date; a lot of the details won't mean much to anyone but me. But the highlight of the night by far, was the fulfillment of what I consider the best (and only, in my case) pickup there is. I always say I hate getting drinks bought for me because you get roped into a conversation and it would be so much cooler if a guy would buy me a drink and just leave me alone to drink it. My male friends always say that then I wouldn't go out with them anyway, which is the problem with that scenario. I, however, still think it would be a great idea, and maintain that I would only want to go out with a guy who would do that anyway.

When I went to get my first drink I pushed my way up to the bar, next to this guy who had been waiting there already. I saw him whisper to his friend, "geez, i wonder which one of us he (the bartender) will serve first. Being me, I made a smart-alecky comment about him putting on his pretty face, and he said he was sure I'd get served first. I said, "well yeah, I'm holding money!" and he responded, "I am too."

Ultimately we each ended up holding a twenty the same way, to see who would get served first. He did, and was so excited he bought my drink. We then clinked glasses, and he was on his way.

I was so excited I could barely contain myself. After about an hour, I thought, if he was really trying to pick me up, he deserves it! And, he had walked by a few times. So I walked up to him, made sure it was him, and then introduced myself. His name was Taylor. We talked for a few minutes, and he explained that he had been so pleased that he had been served first, he had to buy me my drink. I should have told him he totally made my life, but either way, I think we both left fairly pleased with ourselves. If I ever see him again, I might ask for his number.

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