Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I'm sick.

Not the fun kind, either. Or the "almost so I'm going to take it easy until I get better" sick. The "I have to continue to function in an essentially non-functional state for the next week or so" kind. And I'm not loving it.

I'm fortunate, actually. Starting next week I'll be working ridiculous hours and this could be then. But seriously, it's been over a week. Who is ever sick for more than a week? I was feeling under the weather two weeks ago. I skipped class, thinking if I rest I will be okay. I stayed in Friday night and did homework. Saturday, I went to a friends birthday, but I was feeling fine. I drank, and I don't drink if I'm feeling even a little bit off.

Then Sunday, it was not good. I was fine in the morning, no hangover. Hell, I was totally sober by the time we went home. But I started feeling progressively worse. I started thinking, this is really not good.

Monday, I was a mess. I went to my morning class, and drove home in a daze. I told myself I would wake up long enough to make sure I didn't have a quiz in my evening class. I didn't get out of bed until halfway through my class - hours later. I decided not to check, because I wasn't going either way; I would have failed anyway in my mental state. Turned out I did miss a test.

Tuesday, same thing. Fortunately I had a day off.

Wednesday, I had to go to school. I had missed far too much class, I had no prospects of a doctor's note, and there was no way I could convince the prof to let me re-take it if I didn't show up a third time. I went. She (and I adore this woman, I must say) opted to let me take the test, saying she was glad I didn't show up and make everyone sick. Trust is a wonderful thing, which we should all practice.

Thursday, it started to pass. I decided to go to work, as work needed to be done and since it was almost over anyway, what was the harm? I worked outdoors. In the rain. Have I mentioned I am freaking determined and have no capacity to evaluate my own health? To make things worse, I wrecked my phone. It was bad.

Friday was about the same as Thursday.

Saturday, I woke up, intending to go to the gym. I was no longer capable of speaking and I could barely move. I cancelled my morning plans. I showed up to work 2 hours late. I went home as early as possible. I went to bed, or something. I really can't remember.

Sunday is a whole other story but it involved frantically trying to complete an assignment due at 4pm (on a Sunday), which I had no idea was due. Disastrous. People in the library glared at my flagrant displays of illness. Like I totally wanted to be at school coughing my brains out on a Sunday.

Monday, today. Still feel wretched. Can't miss more class. Lonely. In pain. Lungs hurting. Throat hurting. Can hardly speak. Pretty sure my liver is failing. This is not good.

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