Friday, February 1, 2008

I just love coffee!

One thing I love about people is how some people insist on asking a thousand questions about the most mundane activities, while others will watch the most ridiculous scenes and not say a word.

Most people are some variation of the two extremes.

I'm a pretty strange person, and I love to talk, but it irritates me like nothing else when people do strange things for attention and then call attention to it, so I won't usually offer an explanation as to my activities unless one has been requested.

So, when I purchased twelve 1-litre containers of half/half creme, 9 bags of milk, and two containers of whipped cream at midnight, I thought... I wonder if the cashier is going to say anything.

He did. "You must really like coffee." Like anything less than 700 people could consume all of this before it expires.

I'm tired, so I acquiese, but quickly realize he has to be being ironic; there is no way he thinks this is actually for me. "Yes. Um, no. I run a coffee shop. I'm in charge of the milk and creme."

Makes sense. He then proceeds into a rant about how tomorrow he has to help his female friend break up with her boyfriend. Harsh. I'm sleepy. I'm trying to get out of here with 30 litres of milk products. Let me go.

Finally, he is done with me, and I am on my way. And now it is time for me to sleep.

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