Monday, February 4, 2008


My roommate and I like to make fun of internet lingo during our downtime by combining acronyms and sending them to each other from opposite rooms. Usually after a few of these I have to come out because I am laughing so hard he can hear me, and the use of LOL (the only one I ever use) is so strange when you are either not laughing, or laughing so hard the person you are saying it to can hear you. It reminds me of when I had a friend on webcam that kept saying "lol" but wasn't even smirking, which compelled me to complain constantly that he wasn't actually laughing. Even worse are those who actually pronounce "lol" out loud. I'm sorry, you can't SAY 'laughing out loud'. Either you are laughing out loud, or you aren't. If you are, you can't say it. If you aren't, you aren't. I realize that "lol" has morphed in a way that it means "somewhat amused" or "I want this statement to sound light-hearted or humourous," but honestly. "Lolz" is even worse. I pretty much have to remove myself from those situations to conceal my immediate urge to vomit.

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