Monday, February 4, 2008

I love grammar

I would like to address the somewhat random issue of grammar and spelling.

I am somewhat of a spelling geek, and I am obsessed with grammar, though admittedly, my grammar has its flaws. I don't use spell check, I don't like acronyms, and I usually spell things correctly. If you find any spelling errors (or typos), feel free to let me know, because it bugs me to know they exist, and I don't always proofread. Don't correct my grammar, you will drive me insane, and I like my style, in spite of the fact that it doesn't follow all the standard rules. There are some things that bother me (for instance, when people use "anyways" instead of "anyway"), and others not so much.

One habit I have is to not capitalize my titles. Not only do I not like to create titles to begin with, most of my writing for the past five years has been in French, in which they only capitalize proper nouns and the first letter of titles, so I typically do that or do not capitalize at all.

The grammar obsession is more of a strong interest. Sentence structure and forms, tenses, and verb conjugations weirdly interest me. I get excited when things change in translations, or when you find words that exist in some languages and not others.

Also, I'm Canadian, so you are going to notice a lot of references to kilometres, litres, labour, and polar bears.

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