Saturday, March 8, 2008

Calling in sunburnt

One of my favourite stories of calling in sick is with my cousin, who used to work for me here and there to pick up some extra money on his time off from school.

I have a lot of casual employees because my work is often weather-based, and the day before the shift, while he was working for me, I had asked him to work the next morning. Because it was my cousin, I forgot to confirm with him, but I knew he likely would have called me to let me know if he absolutely couldn't so I was counting on him.

That night, around midnight, my phone rings.

"Hey Lisa, it's your cousin... I just wanted to let you know, I can work tomorrow. I'll be there at 11."

I notice he is slurring his words. "Where are you calling from?"

"The bartender's phone. She's pretty cool. She's giving us free drinks."

Whatever. It's my cousin, I know he drinks, as long as he can work, it's cool, right?

Not so much. The next morning I receive a call about an hour before his shift.

"Lisa.... it's your cousin....... listen, I think I got a bit too much sun yesterday, and I don't think I'm going to be able to work today. I'm dehydrated and I have a headache, and I just feel awful."

"Cousin, that is a hangover. Lots of people work with them. Suck it up and come into work!" (I'm sympathetic, really.)

"No, no, really Lisa.... I'm not hungover, I swear, it's just the sun, I didn't drink very much last night, I just got too much sun.... I need to go back to bed."

Later that day, I was eating dinner at his family's house when I happened to mention the phone call from the bartender's phone the night before and that I knew full well he was hung over.

"Oh man..... did I call you?"

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