Sunday, March 23, 2008

What it feels like for a girl

I have always prided myself on being what I refer to as a "tomboy girly girl" but I think I'm going to start leaning a bit more towards the girly side after the events that took place this week.

Twice, I have been blatantly referred to with a male reference that would not normally be used in a case which involved a girl. What the hell?

Earlier this week, myself and a male co-worker were walking towards some equipment we needed to do some work on when we passed two men also working on the property.

"How you doing, fellas?"

Alright, alright. I'll give you that I do things normally reserved for males. I'm tough. But a fella? I don't think so. I look fairly feminine. I am certainly not ugly or overly masculine. I have long hair, and a pretty-looking face. I was wearing pink boots and mittens.

Then, to add insult to injury, we were pulling into the same facility a few days later - we typically have to explain to the parking attendant that we aren't charged for parking - and we were waiting at the gate for the girl working to check with her supervisor before waving us through. I am in the passenger seat, but she can see me. I'm approximately 4 or so feet away from her. She gets on her walkie talkie and says, "I have two guys here that need to get in to work on their equipment - can I let them in?"

Two guys. Not two people. Not a couple. Not a guy and a girl. Two guys. This isn't like when someone says "you guys". No one ever refers to a group of girls as "some guys". You can say "those guys" or "you guys," but never have I ever heard someone say, "I'm friends with two guys" and be referring to one or more girls.

I need to start buying better push-up bras.

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