Thursday, March 13, 2008

Rules to travel by

We made the trip to Quebec City today. I haven't been in awhile, but here are some tips if you are ever considering it:

1. Remember in advance that unlike Gatineau, close to Ottawa, everything here is not necessarily English. There are not English menus available. There aren't piles of English people available to explain what haché means. Unlike Hull, if you don't know a word by now, you are probably moderately stuck at understanding it. This does not include heavily touristic areas where everyone can speak English.

2. Buy gas at the gas station before lunch, not after. We actually ate at a truck stop. I think it was called Big Truck Stop. It was fantastic. We bought gas at 1.08 before going in. By the time we finished, it was 1.23 a litre. Not cool.

3. Beware of deer. I don't have to tell you this one. There are progressively more terrifying and gender specific beware of deer signs the entire trek. It starts off with sets of 2 signs next to each other, that make it look like does wander into the highway and then the bucks follow them. Then there are actual images of cars hitting deer. Finally, it settles on just female deer. No wait males. Females. Males chasing females. You get the idea.

4. Don't speed in Ontario. Usually I follow this rule for Quebec. Within the first 45 minutes of our trip we passed at least 10 police cars pulling people over. No exaggeration. Within the first 30 minutes, I had my first speeding ticket in 4 years. Approximately 5 minutes later, I almost had my second. Apparently when the first guy said `slow down` he meant to below the speed limit.

5. Don't travel with my mom. Just kidding. I totally love my mom. But, you know, she has the most obscure requests. For instance, we go to a Tim Horton's. I order a café mocha. It doesn't change (as far as I'm concerned - I hate the word mochaccino) in French. My mom wants a tea. But not any tea, tea with a tea bag, in spite of the fact that they usually sell steeped tea. With three creams. On the side. Weirdly enough, they got the order perfect, in spite of my limitations in French grammar. As my mom pointed out, that's impressive even if you order completely in English on a regular day.

6. Ask if you figure that 99 cent deal is way too good to be true. Seriously. I had myself convinced it said '99 cents off' but I thought, I'll just check... and sure enough. Best deal on pajama bottoms ever.

Follow these rules, and you will be set for at least day 1. More to follow.

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