Friday, March 28, 2008

Lisa wants her truck back

Normally I pride myself on being an easy-going, agreeable, patient and tolerant girl but right now, at this very moment, I am just about at the end of my frustration rope (commence venting now).

I have been lending my roommate my SUV intermittently to do deliveries for his work - he owns a very small sedan so it allows him to pick up some extra work to pay off his debt without actually shelling out for a larger vehicle, and I don't really mind because driving his car from time to time saves me a little bit on gas and also gives me a chance to drive standard, something that isn't worth going out and buying another car for, but I do enjoy from time to time.

HOWEVER, and this is a big however, after the first day or two he asked if he could clean out my car. Now, you probably don't know me, but if you did, you would know that my car is home to basically 80% of my possessions. You could find basically anything in my car. I keep everything in it. Everything. Plus a lot of useless stuff. So when he asked, knowing he is putting equipment and such in the car, I agreed, figuring it would give him a bit more space. I told him to throw all the junk in boxes and don't throw out any receipts, and that was that. I figured he would clear out the back seat and trunk so that he had space.

I was a bit incorrect in my calculation. Or more, he was a bit more overzealous in this activity than I expected. When he said, "clean out," he meant everything. EVERYTHING. My garage door opener is no longer on the sun shield. All objects of sentimental value are gone, banished to this box. My steering wheel cover, which I didn't particularly like but was a gift from my brother? Gone. And I won't be able to get it back on without help. My fish sticker that my friend's niece gave him and we decided to mount on the overhead light button? Gone. I had the number for a towing company that helped me out once, and a valentine from a friend on my garage door clip, and who knows where those things are.

There is not a fucking thing of mine left in my truck, let alone the insurance papers in the glove compartment. You know, I like my truck clean just like the next person, but he took EVERY OUNCE of sentimentality out of the car for me. It won't feel the same putting it back. I'm going to have to reorganize everything. IS NOTHING SACRED? Does no one have any respect for sentimentality anymore? Is everyone so convinced that cleanliness is important that they don't even stop for a second, and think, maybe this person had these things this way for a reason? A pile of receipts, shoes, clothing, tools, and crap in the trunk, I get moving. I just never bothered to take it out. But my fish sticker? Not cool. Not cool at all. I'm going to be humming on this one for awhile. And I have no defense, because, well, he asked me (venting complete).

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