Friday, March 28, 2008

How does the internet always know I'm single?

Lisa, find your hottest single friends here!

Oh I'm sorry, do most people need an internet program to tell them who their hottest single friends are? BECAUSE I KNOW! Telling me is like rubbing it in.

On another note, it seems my roommate has gotten us a treadmill. Either that or he has started bringing his work home with him. Regardless, he is going to be fixing a treadmill, because that is one broken down piece of shit.

I'm not totally sure how I feel about it because on the one hand, it would be cool to have a treadmill and I can't afford the gym membership I semi-desperately want, but on the other hand, it's huge and will take up a whole room, and seeing as we only really have three rooms (mine, his, and everywhere else), it would be a little bit crowded. Actually, I have basically named every nook in our apartment so it seems like we have a lot more rooms than we have (living room, dining room, gym, apparently, on the other side of the dining room, kitchen, front room, cat room/large closet, washroom, etc.), but in reality, they are more like corners, and having a gym requires dividing our dining room in two, so that it would basically be the size of our dining room table.

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